Friday, February 28, 2014

This Weekend

This is the first weekend that I have absolutely nothing to do... I am so happy!!!

For the past few weekends I have had swim practice, or a meet, or in last weeks case, TP night Friday night, watching the guys Sectionals, and my last swim meet if the season Sunday.

All I have planned is stay at home and watch movies. I just watched Percy Jackson, the first one, and I have a few more in mind for later this weekend. Maybe some Narnia, or Pirates of the Caribbean. I might also just look up some on Youtube and pull it up on the big screen.

This weekend will also consist of, hopefully, writing more of my book, and sleeping in (during the school year, the latest I "sleep in" is nine or ten o'clock).

That's all I am gonna say on the subject... <3

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Because i got nothing else better to type about...

If anyone who reads this blog, know I don't even post anything... like... ever...
Soooooo... if you ever have any ideas about what I should post, or something I should chat about, let me know :)

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Mind Blown with Brain Games

There are a few things that I am gonna put under this post. Some are new stuff that I just found out recently, others are cool stuff I have known for a while, but never had a good time to bring it up. enjoy <3

1: You mind can automatically unscramble words as long as the first and last letter are in the correct place and all the correct letters are in it.


Raed waht is in the sukll and see if you can fgirue out waht it syas eailsy:

See if you can figure it out (it is the outline of the head if you can see the pic)
I bet you didn't even realize the directions for this example were also scrambled.

2: Our mind takes shortcuts on saying and spelling words.

Have someone time you.
Read the passage below (the part that is bolded and underlined)
Count the # of times you see the letter: F
 The first half of February is often the fastest freezing and most frigid time of the year.

How many did you count?
Did you count: 7?
If so: you are wrong
There are actually 9

 The first half of February is often the fastest freezing and most frigid time of the year.

3: and the last trick I want you to see and think about it a video so here is the link:

I watch this show often, and I find it very interesting. I also hate this show very much. It makes me very mad, and I feel stupid when I miss something. I usually go to bed thinking about how stupid it really was.

That's all I am gonna say on the subject... <3... for now o. o

Sunday, February 9, 2014

All about Tyler

I believe I said it in my first post, but I have a sister named Tyler. Friday was her birthday. On Saturday, aka yesterday, we went out for her birthday dinner (family tradition thing). We went to hibachi (however you spell that).

It was fun, and there was another three women at out grill, one of them was also celebrating a birthday.

After that we went to the Walmart right next to it and got her a new case for her kindle, and I got Now 49.

I am so excited to listen to all my new music. :D

That's all I am gonna say on the subject... <3

Thursday, February 6, 2014

One weird mall trip o. o

so, we went to the mall yesterday night. we went and tried stuff on and had fun with it.

When we were checking out though, you could hear someone running in the store. The woman who was checking us out was calmly scanning out items and said kinda quietly: "no running in the store."

At that moment, a 40 ish year old man ran around where we were checking out and out the door. A few seconds later, another man, also around 40, ran after him, throwing something on the ground before he exited. A few more seconds later, a cop went running after them.

Us and the woman checking us out were confused. We chatted for it for like 10 seconds before the second man came back in the store, picked up what he threw to the ground, and said into a walkie talkie: "did you get the plate?"

He wasn't watching where he was going I guess, cause he walked into a dress rack. Then he said a quiet, but bad, cuss word.

It kinda reminds me of when we were there shopping for Christmas, because there was a walkie talkie left in the bra section x, x

I think that is the weirdest trip to the mall I have ever taken...

In other news, yesterday was a snowday, I thought today was Monday when I went to school.

That's all I am gonna say on the subject... <3

Monday, February 3, 2014

big decision

I have decided between the fact that I have swim practice from 7:15 to 8:45 and that after I get home from school, about 4:00, I am not going to blog as often.

the interesting stuff happens more at swimming, and I don't have the energy to get on after and I don't wanna chat about my boring day at school... so don't expect many more posts.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

more about the weather

i feel like I am running the weather channel with all these blogs about the bad weather.
I had to get a new pic for my passport if I wanna go on vacation over spring break, so we went to the post office this morning. My dad checked the website before we went, and it said you didn't need an appointment. When we got there, they said you did in fact need an appointment, but the people who should have been there when we got there weren't there, prob cause of weather, she squeezed us in.
She was nice :D

That's all I am gonna say on the subject... <3