1: You mind can automatically unscramble words as long as the first and last letter are in the correct place and all the correct letters are in it.
Raed waht is in the sukll and see if you can fgirue out waht it syas eailsy:
See if you can figure it out (it is the outline of the head if you can see the pic)
I bet you didn't even realize the directions for this example were also scrambled.
2: Our mind takes shortcuts on saying and spelling words.
Have someone time you.Read the passage below (the part that is bolded and underlined)
Count the # of times you see the letter: F
The first half of February is often the fastest freezing and most frigid time of the year.
How many did you count?
Did you count: 7?
If so: you are wrong
There are actually 9
The first half of February is often the fastest freezing and most frigid time of the year.
3: and the last trick I want you to see and think about it a video so here is the link:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PN1NAiM55hU&list=PLCv6T8QWRwjn8jVZWps93zeVw2pV-_QAX&hd=1I watch this show often, and I find it very interesting. I also hate this show very much. It makes me very mad, and I feel stupid when I miss something. I usually go to bed thinking about how stupid it really was.
That's all I am gonna say on the subject... <3... for now o. o
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