Tuesday, April 29, 2014

My Birthday

Well... Yesterday was my birthday. It was unlike any birthday I ever had. I woke up and opened Frozen. I AM SO HAPPY... about that anyways...

At school, my friend, Anne got me the best card EVER!!! I am not gonna say what was in it but it was the best one ever. :)

She also brought be a cake, and that is my birthday before 8:00 AM. I went to my locker and Lauren had decorated it. There was also a gift in it when I opened it. I got five throughout the day. They were awesome!!!

I would have gone to practice, but I didn't empty my gear from my locker and we moved to another pool while ours gets repaired. Instead, we went out to dinner. We went to Chili's.

At dinner, I found out my grandmother died that morning ;(

From now on, I will probably be sad on my birthday ;(

When we got home, we watched Frozen.

My dad liked it. We had a conversation about how Disney kills the parents or they are kidnapped or something...

That's all I am gonna say on the subject... :(

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